This short story is part of this collection Title: The Orphan Hunger. That’s what I remember the most about my childhood and adolescence. This unfulfilled hunger for food, love, a family, real understanding has created this emptiness inside me. I know I exist but I am a vacant room. I am a house without furniture nor decoration, an abandoned cabin in the woods. That sounds less cruel than what people used to call me at school. I still remember. It’s a fact that will never cease to be true. They never called my name. They always said the orphan , when addressing to me. There were other nicknames for others: the fat, the four-eyed, the skinny, the nerd, the snitch, the ass-licker. However, these all were things caused by the same people. The fat one ate too much, the skinny too little; the four-eyed kid mentioned he used to watch TV too closely to the screen, the nerd studied a lot to keep his reputation, the snitch always told on people as well as the ass-licker. But what had I do...
Marvin O. Menjívar, nacido en 1993 en El Salvador. Soy amante de los idiomas y las artes, en especial la literatura. Escribo literatura contemporánea de ficción; misterio y suspenso son mi predilección, siempre con un toque de drama y con personajes ambivalentes que demuestran la complejidad de la naturaleza humana a través de diferentes matices. Mis novelas suelen tener como tema principal la venganza, el arrepentimiento, el rencor, la soledad y como contraparte la redención y la resignación.