"So this is how it happens, a part of her thought as she rocked and begged. This is what it feels like. You don’t change. There is no special protection when you cross that invisible line from your ordinary life to that parallel world where tragedies happen. It happens just like this. You don’t become someone else. You’re still exactly the same. Everything around you still smells and looks and feels exactly the same." As usual, Lianne Moriarty is able to create a mystery out of the most common of events. That's a good thing unless the resolution is not as shocking as one expected to believe. Probably my expectations were too high. When I read the novel's description in Wikipedia I was intrigued. After the couple is invited by Clementine's old friend Erika to a neighbor's barbecue party, a spiral of intrigue, lust, and betrayal is unleashed. I found no lust, no betrayal, almost nothing that was promised, maybe intrigue but until the second half of the n...
Marvin O. Menjívar, nacido en 1993 en El Salvador. Soy amante de los idiomas y las artes, en especial la literatura. Escribo literatura contemporánea de ficción; misterio y suspenso son mi predilección, siempre con un toque de drama y con personajes ambivalentes que demuestran la complejidad de la naturaleza humana a través de diferentes matices. Mis novelas suelen tener como tema principal la venganza, el arrepentimiento, el rencor, la soledad y como contraparte la redención y la resignación.