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Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood: Victim of Circumstance or Cold-Blooded Murderess?

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"The truth is that very few understand the truth about forgiveness. It is not the culprits who need to be forgiven; rather it is the victims, because they are the ones who cause all the trouble. If they were only less weak and careless, and more foresightful, and if they would keep from blundering into difficulties, think of all the sorrow in the world that would be spared"

I had never read historical fiction in my life. I must admit I was a bit intimidated by the concept, by its possible complexity. Alias Grace was my first intake at this sub-genre, and it was not a disappointment. It's a glorious analysis of a complex character and mystery that will forever remain unsolved but that has inspired a talented author such as Margaret Atwood to write such a compelling tale of survival.

Simon Jordan, psychologist, shows up at the penitentiary to interview Grace Marks, a maid that was formerly accused of murdering her employer, Thomas Kinnear and his housekeeper, Nancy Montgomery. As the novel opens, Grace works as a maid for the Governor of Kingston Penitentiary where she is currently locked in serving a life sentence after being found guilty of the crimes before mentioned. Dr. Jordan has been summoned to analyze Grace in the hopes of granting her a pardon since many people believe she is innocent of the horrors she has been accused of.

As Dr. Jordan starts to interview Grace in the sewing room of the Governor, he discovers that Grace is much more complex and layered than what people may have believed which is good and bad for Grace's cause. Through his interviews, we discover about Grace's past and the hazardous trip that her family endured to arrive to Canada.

Grace Marks has been labelled as a murderess, a girl above her humble station, as cunning and devious. It's evident that Grace is a layered woman, her past being much more complex than the resolution of the crime that was never clarified. In this ominous tales of her past, we can find the answers if Grace did scheme along with McDermott to murder Nancy and Mr. Kinnear.

Grace provides great detail and context to Dr. Jordan, about her family, her former best friend, Mary Whitney; her work as a maid and finally, as she arrived to the Kinnear househould where everybody would find their doom, herself included.

The novel starts in the present in one of the interviews between Simon Jordan and Grace Marks. Grace narrates the interviews in great detail as she unfolds her life to the apparently sympathetic doctor. She is one of the most engrossing narrators to ever exist with an excess to detail about commonly things as well as philosophical thoughts.

There is another narration of Dr. Jordan's everyday life which I found a bit boring but not enough to prevent me from enjoying this masterpiece.

This novel is a tale of women's survival, of women's marginalization as well as oppression, of how society is ready to accuse but not to help. It's the portrait of how a victim or a murderer is produced. The time period where the novel takes place is critical to understand many decisions, not only Grace's but also of the society at that time.

I've never been a fan of the unrealistic happy ending, so it's no surprise that I loved Alias Grace's ending. I had watched the series first, so I knew what to expect, but having read the novel, I understood Grace's decision of creating her own quilt.

CHARACTER: 8/10 (Dr. Jordan took too much importance, from my point of view)
THEMES: 10/10

GRADE: Must-read.


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