"In the flush of being swept away by love, like any foolish schoolgirl I forgot all I knew about caution and looking beyond appearances to see the truth. I forgot that never once when Malcolm proposed to me and then made his proposal to my father had he mentioned the word "love." ... Like any woman stupidly believing in love, I never realized that the blue sky I saw was not the warm, soft, nurturing sky of spring, but the cold, chilling, lonely sky of winter." Even though it is not considered part of the Flowers in the Attic series because it was not written by the author, V.C. Andrews, Garden of Shadows is the perfect novel to close (or begin?) a circle of horrors surrounding the Foxworths, it is a way to discover that may be the past had a much more powerful influence than expected on the outcome of this family's fate. PLOT This novel is about Olivia Foxworth (née Windfield), the main antagonist of the Flowers in the Attic series (that before...
Marvin O. Menjívar, nacido en 1993 en El Salvador. Soy amante de los idiomas y las artes, en especial la literatura. Escribo literatura contemporánea de ficción; misterio y suspenso son mi predilección, siempre con un toque de drama y con personajes ambivalentes que demuestran la complejidad de la naturaleza humana a través de diferentes matices. Mis novelas suelen tener como tema principal la venganza, el arrepentimiento, el rencor, la soledad y como contraparte la redención y la resignación.