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The Heart Goes Last by Margaret Atwood : The Price of Freedom

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"Every day is different. Isn’t it better to do something because you’ve decided to? Rather than because you have to?"
That's the phrase that sums up this novel perfectly. A novel about control, freedom and the benefits and consequences of delivering oneself to a system that feeds on people's liberties.

The Heart Goes Last narrates the lives of Charmaine and Stan who live in a world of poverty, unemployment and economical recession. They live in Stan's car since they have lost their house due to their economic ruin. It's a world of violence, assaluts and of desperate people. It's not reliable to live this way, long term.

As an answer to their prayers, the Project Prositron shows up, and it offers a roof, food, employment, everything Charmaine and Stan need. However, Stan's brother, Connor, explains that you can leave this project only when you are dead. In fact, one of the most important clauses of agreement is that it's for a lifetime.

The participants go through an aptitudinal evaluation. Charmaine and Stan are accepted without any problem, but new conditions show up: one month, they will be living in a comfortable house while the next month, they will be locked in a prison. That seems to be the only inconvenience, nothing else.

Problems begin when Stan gets obsessed with the woman who lives in the house while he and his wife are in prison. This happens after finding a note which suggests that this unknown woman is bold unlike his wife, Charmaine.

This couple will go through many dangers and snares, not only on their marriage but upon the discovery that the project is not as ideal as they had expected. Where does the funding money come from? If it is true that they work while in prison as well as in the city, it's not difficult to tell that the project is too good to be true.

Once again, Margaret Atwood navigates in the intricate world of speculative fiction in a future without jobs, in economic crisis. Does it sound familiar?

As it happened in MaddAddam, corporations get their way in moments of despair to get a bigger benefit, taking advantage of people with or without their consent.
There are many important topics such as free will because one of many Positron projects involves the use of sex robots that eventually develop a new idea: brain washing. Why use robots when a simple operation, that neurosorgeons are perfecting, can make a person fall in love without any restraint?

The novel is quite entertaining with the usual wit and mastery of Margaret Atwood's writing. The plot revolves around completely unexpected plot twists. In spite of everything, it is a compelling work, with characters that we can feel identified with or that will make us laugh.

THEMES: 9/10

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Available in Amazon


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